We are Dave and Melissa Tubergen and together we founded Give Hope Ministries that offers rest and connection to foster and adoptive families through the avenue of FREE camping in one of our Give Hope RVs.

The Give Hope RV exists to provide foster and adoptive families with a place to get away, go camping and rest FREE of charge.  Families can sign up online and put their name into a lottery for a chance to stay at one of our four locations. They can stay for a 3-night mid-week or a 2-night weekend during the camping season, May-October.

Families that stay with us will have all of their needed linens, kitchen utensils, small appliances, a grill and grilling utensils furnished for them. While each campground location does offer different things there are also outdoor and indoor games, books, sand toys and various water floats available to the families. Our goal is for families to have stress free, minimal packing.

Because foster care + adoption come with added stress and appointments to a family the Give Hope RV aims to be a resting and connective spot in their busy and chaotic schedules.

Annually we serve approximately 160 families. You do not have to welcome children into your home to be involved in foster care or adoptive care. To get involved you can go to to sign up to volunteer or donate.